Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Rawr Facts: Tigers


Okay, so, that was impressive, eh?  Now, let's get down to the tiger facts.

First, the basics.  What's a tiger?

FACT R:  Well, a tiger is a big cat.  In fact, the Siberian tiger is the biggest cat on the face of this earth!  It can weight from 181-306 kilograms!  That's 400-675 in pounds.  My goodness, Siberian tigers!

FACT A: Tigers are carnivores, which means they eat meat.  They love a nice juicy deer brushed with some field grass, a nice wild pig with a tint of mud flavor, and water buffalo with a side order of antelope.  It is only when us stupid humans take away their forest that tigers would come and steal our cattle or even turn to man-eaters.  If we were desperate, we'd eat things we won't normally eat too, right?

FACT W: Tigers like to be alone.  Of course, except for mating season, that is.  Territory is basically everything to them until the season of love comes around.  Tigers can fight for territory even to the death.  They're kind of like great warriors but all year round.

FACT R: Tigers have cubs.  And they're cute.  They have 3-4 at a time.  The little wabbly-legged cubs will follow they're mother around until they're 18 months old.  Then, at 2 1/2 years, they leave home.  Here's a scary thing the males might do that I'm glad humans don't: The male might kill the little babies to make the female able to mate again.  Not the same male but some other male.  It's all about passing down the genes.

So, those are the RAWR facts of the tiger.  Oh, wait, I forgot the exclamation point.

FACT !: Our old tiger friends live in all kinds of places.  Tropical forests where greenery is dense and lush, evergreen forests where winter leaves a beautiful contrast of the orange tiger in the white snow, woodlands, mangrove swamps, grasslands, the stretching Savannah, and even the hardcore rocky countries.  You might be wondering, "What?  Swamps?  Don't cats hate water?"  Well, remember, this is a wild cat.  And well, actually, tigers are pro swimmers and can even slay some dinner while they swim.  Talk about taking dinner to go.

Extra FACT: Did you know that tigers' stripes weren't all black?  They can be brown or even gray.  He he, you probably didn't know that, did you?  Well, you're not alone!  Neither did I until a few minutes ago.

Stay tooned for facts on Amur leopards!  And of course, even more for tigers!

Defenders of Wildlife: Fact Sheet Tiger

1 comment:

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